How to Remove Tree Sap From Your Car Effectively

If you live in an area with a lot of trees, you’ve probably dealt with tree sap on your car. Tree sap is quite acidic and can do permanent damage to your paint, so you need to deal with it quickly. Improperly removed sap spots is an issue we see frequently in our detailing business so we have a few tips that may help you. Here are a few things you should, and shouldn’t, do to remove tree sap from your … Read More

Vehicle Clear Coat: What You Need to Know

Have you noticed that the paint on new cars has improved over the years? Auto manufacturers now use a 2 stage painting system. The first layer is the basecoat, which provides the visual properties like color. The second layer is the vehicle clear coat which is meant to deepen the color of the paint and give it a nice glossy finish. Let’s dive deeper into what the clear coat is and what it does and doesn’t do for your vehicle. … Read More