As long as there have been cars, there have been car enthusiasts worried about ruining their car’s paint job. The wear and tear a car endures on a daily basis creates the perfect opportunity for damage to the car’s exterior finishes.
Let’s take a look at the history of automotive paint protection up to present times.*
As you can see, automotive paint protection has come a long way. Some of the highlights include:
Car Wax
In the 1940s, a Chicago company created a new product for automotive paint protection known as turtle wax. It remained the most common method of paint protection for a long time. Turtle wax is derived from a substance known as ‘Carnauba’ found in Brazil. While car wax provides a glossy shine to cars, they do not last very long and need to be re-applied every few months.
Fast forward to the end of the 60’s, when the next step in car paint protection took the form of synthetic car wax, also known as a sealant. Created from manmade polymers, sealants also provide a rich shine with a plastic, glassy look. The material contains abrasive particles in its makeup that can cause damage to car paint, while the surface also attracts stray dust particles which cause micro-scratches on the exterior of cars.
Car Polish
In the 1990’s, new car polish techniques came into vogue that embraced chemical engineering. One example of this was car polish, a liquid which contained fine abrasive particles for cutting and refining the clearcoat on cars during polishing. While car polish can provide some protection for your car’s paint job, its main job is to provide a glossy shine to the car’s exterior. Also, going for a car polish more than once a year will eventually cause the polish to wear away on its own, exposing the car paint beneath it.
Ceramic Coating
At the dawn of the new millennium, nano technology revolutionized the paint protection industry. These newest entrants to the field of car paint protection, called nano-coatings or ceramic coatings, offer permanent protection and a durable shine to the exteriors of cars. Once a ceramic coating has been applied to a car, it forms a powerful chemical bond with the vehicle’s surface. This bond is permanent, which means that no re-application of the coating is required. The coating helps protect the car against mechanical dangers like scratches from fingernails, and also chemical contaminants that may be mixed up in the atmosphere or might reach the car in some other manner.
So make sure you employ the best and most up-to-date method of automotive paint protection with a ceramic paint coating for your car! Details Matter utilizes cutting edge technology in our detailing services. Contact us today to learn if ceramic coating is right for your vehicle. We serve Melbourne, Florida and the surrounding communities with prestige professional auto detailing and paint protection.